When I start using Cpanel I thought it was such a perfect and wonderful server management software. Especially when it comes to GUI for database managemenet - phpmyadmin. Slowly, I've moved to ubuntu nginx which has a higher performance when my website scales. There is no GUI for database management in nginx by default. This is why this list comes to handy whenever you need to setup, manage your Mysql Database using SSH.
mysql -u[username] -p
show databases;
use [dataabse_name];
show tables;
create database [database-name];
grant all privileges on [database-name].* to '[username]'@'localhost' identified by "[password]";
cd /your_path
Change to the directory where your database.sql located
mysql -u root -p password
Login to mysql
use somedb;
Choose and use a database
source somedb_backup.sql
This will import the .sql into the database.
If you not sure how to upload the .sql file to the server, learn more here
DROP TABLE tablename;
SELECT user FROM mysql.user GROUP BY user;
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'username';
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